Ready for another round of Appstrology horoscopes? Astrologer and mobile marketer, Ariel Neidermeier, gives the key astrology of the month for each of the 12 signs to help you better market your app using insights from the stars. Make sure to read the forecast for the sign of your Ascendant (also known as your Rising sign) for the most accurate forecast. You can use free digital resources or apps to calculate your Ascendant sign using your birth data.



Happy birthday Aries! For most of April, the sun will be shining in your 1st house of self. As the sign of independence, initiative and passion, your ability to spark action and assert your individuality is truly one of your greatest strengths. The New Moon in your sign on April 11 will be an energizing and creative time so set aside time to dream up new projects. Try to front load goal-setting for the beginning of the month as the Sun, Mercury and Venus will have moved to Taurus and your 2nd house of resources by April 19. This will shift your focus from setting goals to mobilizing the concrete resources to achieve them.

Financial matters are sure to come up on or around the Full Moon on April 26. With the Full Moon interacting with both Saturn in your 11th house of friends and Mars in your 4th house of home, notice how these matters relate to the ways you do or do not feel supported in your friend group and/or at-home.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

Aries, this is a crucial month for you in setting up your Q2 for success! The first half of the month (prior to April 19) should be spent setting KPIs for Q2. On the other hand, the second half (after April 19) should be spent organizing the resources to accomplish those goals. Expect conversations about budgets to dominate your focus as you move into late April. Tensions about money may flare up on the April 26 Full Moon. As this lunation squares the planet of restriction, Saturn, prepare for the potential that your budget requests are contested by an authority figure. Handle these conversations with care and know that money matters will be resolved by the end of the month.



Get ready to get activated this month, Taurus! Later in the month, you will have 4 planets in your 1st house of personality, including the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Uranus. This means that values that are close to your heart, such as self-care, practicality and a focus on earthly values -- are sure to come up this month. You might find more people coming to you for advice this month also, with a trend towards hands-on, grounded connection on people’s minds with so many planets in your earth-loving sign. This makes sense as the world reemerges from lockdown restrictions and there’s a renewed focus on physical (versus digital) connection and activity. The April 26 Full Moon in your opposite sign of Scorpio will be tense but also formative. One-on-one relationships and the balance between “me” versus “we” will be the focus. Let yourself be transformed.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

Expect to be noticed more in every area of your life later this month, Taurus. With so many planets in your sign starting April 19, the world will seem to be refracted through your earthbound perspective. This means it would be a great time after April 19 to make big asks to maximize your campaigns. Expect resistance from authority figures at work on or around the April 26 Full Moon, but remember that these challenges will likely lean in your favor with the Sun shining in your sign. Take risks and use your insight on earthly matters (remember, Taurus is the sign of earthly connection) to innovate ways to ensure your app stays relevant as the world reemerges from lockdown. This month would be a good time to explore innovative new retargeting strategies to keep your users engaged.



Do you feel the heat, Gemini? With Mars, the fiery planet of ambition and anger still in your sign until April 23, this month will echo themes you’ve been working through since March 5 when Mars first entered your sign. You may have noticed more confrontations or challenges than you’re used to, especially as relates to the way you process and communicate information. Take heart that tensions will deflate by the end of April. The April 11 New Moon will be a wonderful time to reconnect with friends and take part in more energizing activities. By the Full Moon in Scorpio April 26, your focus will shift to more soulful matters. Take the time to go deep on this Full Moon and reflect on what you’ve learned while combative Mars has been orbiting your sign.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

Toe the line on your temper and any temptation to pass information unnecessarily until April 23 when Mars finally leaves your sign. Plan a team building activity to boost morale and reconnect with your colleagues on or around the New Moon on April 11. Take this month to review the way you communicate with your teammates, and also organizationally via reporting. Are there areas where you can be more efficient or succinct? Be mindful of meeting fatigue and communicating with colleagues just for the sake of chatter. Think of the ways your app’s messaging strategy can follow suit. Should you pare down your pushes to users? Could your messaging be more impactful? Highlight quality over quantity.



Big moves in your career is the vibe for your month, Cancer, with Mercury, the Sun and the Moon moving through your 10th house of reputation at the start of the month. You’ll notice more activity at work, especially when it comes to communication. Try not to get overwhelmed with the constant chatter! On April 18, the Sun and Moon will make a fiery connection in your career sector. Be wary of direct communication with peers and or managers that could turn tense. That said, these candid conversations could lead to new friendships and contacts as all the planets in Aries at the beginning of the month move into your 11th house of friends. The 11th house is also the house of gains so take heart that these new friendships could become valuable network connections in the near future.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

It’s good to be loud and proud about your needs at work Cancer! But this month you might run into some flare-ups if you are too bullish about your Q2 needs at work. Avoid scheduling check-ins with management or team members on April 18 when Mercury will be very close to the Sun. Any conversations that day could lead to temperamental flare ups so tread carefully. This is a good month to network and make new connections. Attend virtual conferences, meetups, and other events to meet industry peers who you can lean on in the future for insights.



Personal growth and expansion will be the theme of your month, Leo, with the Sun, Moon and Mercury shining in your 9th house of learning at the outset of April. The beginning of the month (particularly on or around the New Moon on April 11) is a great time to take a workshop, attend a webinar or listen to an audiobook on self-development. These learnings will contribute to your ability to work more confidently as these planets move to your career sector later in the month.

You will be tested to lean on your learnings on the Full Moon on April 26, which will likely affect your home and family life. Are there dynamics in your home life that are holding you back from achieving your higher goals? Notice what comes forward for your attention. Take heart that needed recalibrations will find a natural conclusion by the close of the month.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

It’s a new quarter and a great time to learn something new that you can apply to your mobile strategy. Want to brush up on how to calculate VTA? Looking for a crash course in DCO? Taking the time to study the alphabet soup of mobile marketing will position you well later in the month when the Sun, Moon and Mercury move to your 10th house of career.



It’s a deep feeling month for you Virgo, with the Sun, Moon and Mercury shining in your 8th house of transformation. You might feel less social this month than usual. That said, make sure to schedule in a lot of private time, if needed. It would also be a beneficial month to have a therapy session or engage in a soulful heart-to-heart with a close friend or family member to help process your feelings. Transits to the 8th house represent periods of endings so trust that whatever outworn dynamics or relationships you uncover this month will come to an end soon. By the Full Moon on April 26, you will have a feeling of new beginnings. Make sure to prioritize self-care on this day, which will also include a tense square with Saturn in your 6th house of health and wellness.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

Getting to the root of things will be the theme of your month, Virgo. That said, sometimes getting to the root of your app’s contribution to the marketplace can also help you forge a more sustainable growth strategy. If the foundational components of your app are lacking, then it won’t matter how strong your data or retargeting strategy is. Find ways to work more closely with your product team this month to make updates or changes to your app that will radically improve your overall growth strategy. Remember: “Radical simply means "grasping things at the root.” (Angela Davis)



The theme of your month, Libra, will be one-on-one relationships, a topic you are very familiar with! Notice the partnerships that come forward as sources of support or antagonism this month. Does your relationship need a reboot? Is it time to leave it altogether? The actions you need to take will be clear on the New Moon in your 7th house of partnerships on April 11. This would also be a wonderful day to candidly check in with your partner about both your needs. Maybe it’s time to prioritize a weekly date night or take a couples trip. Opening authentic lines of communication proactively at the beginning of the month will prepare you well for the Full Moon on April 26 which will bring a focus to intimacy and deep feelings.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

Focus on getting to know your user this month, Libra. It’s a good time to closely review user feedback through surveys or app store reviews. Position your app’s interaction with users like a healthy relationship: are you truly fulfilling your user’s needs? If the answer to that question is unclear it’s time to open up direct lines of communication. This could be as simple as posting on your app’s social media asking users what they think of your product or inviting critical feedback. Showing that you care about your users' opinions only help to build a more beautiful relationship in the end.



Ok Scorpio, so real talk, this month is meant to expand you. What does this mean exactly? Sometimes the most challenging periods in our lives also represent the moments of the greatest growth. Growth through adversity is a theme you’re familiar with. In that vein, mark the April 11 New Moon as a day to prioritize self-care or renew health and wellness goals for Q2. If you have not been giving your body the love that it deserves, there will be a reckoning on or around the New Moon. Remember: health is wealth.

The Full Moon in your sign on April 26 will also represent a drastic turning point in your relationships. If there are outworn dynamics in your relationship, the effect it has on your home life will come to a head on this lunation. As the sign of transformation, you value personal evolution. Integrate your learnings from this Full Moon to be a better partner and grow.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

It’s a good time to check in with your team’s wellness this month, Scorpio. Are people burnt out from this last year’s turn of events? Schedule a team building event that prioritizes wellness and check in with people about how they’re setting work-life boundaries in the new normal of work from home life. Think about the ways you can be a better teammate or manager on or around the April 26 Full Moon when relationship dynamics will point towards ways you can improve your interactions with others. Apply this humility and compassion to your app’s messaging strategy. Check in with your users on an emotional level and ask what they believe would improve your app on social media.



The beginning of this month will feel playful and creative for you Sagittarius, with the Sun, Moon and Mercury shining through your 5th house of creativity until April 19. Do something in the first part of the month to feed your fun-loving nature. This could be taking an art class or going out for a socially distant adventure with friends. Be mindful of not overdoing it.

The Full Moon on April 26 will bring to light any areas of your health and wellness routine that might need renewed focus. Since this lunation will be squaring Saturn in your 3rd house of the mind this could manifest as a renewed focus on your mental health. Many people have reached their limit in lockdown dear Sagittarius, and maybe this month will mark yours. The Full Moon would be a wonderful time to be honest with yourself about your wellness needs and make changes in the name of longevity.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

With so many planets in your 5th house of creativity and risk-taking, it’s time to test out new strategies! Use your learnings from Q1 to take some risks in your mobile marketing this month, especially before April 19. Test out new channels that may have started looking more attractive as changes like the restriction of the IDFA change the status quo. This could be testing influencer marketing or a new channel like TikTok. Take the road not taken this month, Sagittarius.



The beginning of the month will bring a focus on your home life, Capricorn, with the Sun, Moon and Mercury transiting your 4th house of family and foundations. Before April 19, consider revamping your work from home area or moving if relocation has been on your mind. On a soul level, you might also find yourself working through issues related to your heritage and/or relationships with family members. If you are working through some challenging family dynamics, use the New Moon on April 11 to turn the page on grudges or any other behaviors that might be holding you back from authentic connection with family members. By the April 26 Full Moon your focus will shift to themes of friendship, playfulness and self-worth. Surround yourself with people who bring out your inner child that day.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

It’s time to clean house, Capricorn! With so many planets moving through your 4th house of foundations beginning of the month, it’s time to cut channels, partners or campaigns that are just not cutting it. Set yourself a deadline to have any aspects of your mobile marketing strategy that are not meeting your goals cleared out by the New Moon on April 11. Clear the space so you can fill it with innovative strategies around April 19 when the Sun, Moon, Venus and Uranus will be in your 5th house of risk-taking. Get creative by testing new channels and partners.



Ready for your makeover, Aquarius? Well if you aren’t yet, you better get ready because this month is sure to transform you. The beginning of the month will start with a makeover of your mind, with the Sun, Moon and Venus transiting your 3rd house of communication and ideas. You might find yourself jotting down bright ideas on or around the New Moon on April 11 so keep a note-taking app handy!

The vibes are sure to get more serious by the Full Moon on April 26, which will shift your focus to the ways your home and family life do or do not support your career aspirations. Take a second look at the things that make you feel restricted during this time. Are these restrictions a result of external sources or your own actions? The name of the game for you Aquarius on this Full Moon is humility. That is, the recognition that humility leads to growth, not pride.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

A revamp of your messaging strategy this month would be ideal. Review your communications to users, from push notifications to app store descriptions. Also review internal communications within your team and the ways you can improve your data reporting and interactions with teammates. The Full Moon on April 26 is sure to bring up some personal matters so hold some space for self care and support that day if needed.



Happy March Pisces! This month will be focused on self-worth. That is, do you realize just how valuable you are? If you don’t, take the April 11 New Moon to make a list of the ways you are a unique, creative, soulful spirit who contributes value to other people and the world. Let the realization of your worth recalibrate other areas of your life: do you feel taken for granted at work or in your relationships? Feelings of desolation and dispiritedness get the best of all of us sometimes. That said, remember that worthiness is a choice. On the Full Moon on April 26, you will be tested to communicate your value in the name of personal expansion. Examine the ways you enable others to take advantage of your compassion. Step away from relationships in which you don’t get as much as you give.

How to integrate this into your mobile marketing strategy:

It’s a good time to review budget allocation at the beginning of the month with the Sun, Moon and Mercury in your 2nd house of resources until April 19. Ask for more spend if you need to on the New Moon on April 11. It would also be a good time to ask for a raise if you feel undervalued. The name of the game is self-worth this month. Have the courage to evaluate and ask for what you deserve, and be prepared to walk if you don’t get it.