Maximizing Your End of Year Marketing Budget: Mobile Strategies for Q4 2024

As we approach the final quarter of 2024, marketers face the crucial task of allocating their end of year marketing budget effectively. With mobile shopping continuing to dominate the digital landscape, it's essential to align your Q4 strategies with the latest trends and consumer behaviors. Let's explore how you can optimize your end of year marketing budget for maximum impact in the mobile space.

Key Trends Shaping the 2024 Holiday Season

From the unstoppable rise of mobile purchases to the rise of customer returns, here are five top trends to know as you allocate your budget for Q4.

Mobile Shopping Dominance

The shift towards mobile shopping is more pronounced than ever. A new report from Adobe Analytics predicts that mobile devices will drive 53% of online sales during the 2024 holiday season. This represents a significant increase from previous years, with mobile commerce now controlling 73% of the global ecommerce market share, up from 59% in 2017.

This rise has been driven by the growing use of mobile devices in certain verticals. In particular, mobile transactions dominate in groceries (68.2%), personal care (77%), and apparel (60.8%). This trend highlights the importance of allocating a significant portion of your end of year marketing budget to mobile-first strategies.

Rise of Mobile Video Advertising

Mobile video advertising is experiencing unprecedented growth. With mobile video ad viewability rates exceeding 80%, this format is proving to be a powerful engagement tool. The average transaction value for mobile device shopping has reached $120 in 2024, indicating that consumers are increasingly comfortable making substantial purchases on their mobile devices.

Location-Based Marketing Gains Traction

Location-based marketing is gaining significant traction with 80% of consumers expressing a positive attitude towards location-based mobile alerts. This trend is particularly relevant for retailers, as 89% of marketers report that location-based marketing has shown the greatest benefit to sales.

Personalization Drives Conversions

Personalized mobile experiences continue to yield impressive results, with 60% leading to a purchase. This highlights the importance of tailored content and recommendations in the mobile shopping journey.

Evolving Return Behaviors

Recent studies indicate a shift in consumer return behaviors, with nearly 40% of consumers return an online purchase ‘at least’ once a month. The rise of returns has increased inline with the rise of online shopping, with 87% of shoppers make at least half of their purchases online according to Narvar. This trend suggests an opportunity to allocate part of your end of year marketing budget towards strategies that boost consumer confidence and enhance the returns user experience.

Mobile App Dominance

Mobile apps outperform mobile websites with apps driving 157% more conversions than mobile websites. In major markets such as the United States, time spent on mobile apps has increased by nearly 50% over two years, from just over 3 hours per day to 5 hours per day.

Social Commerce Growth

Social commerce is rapidly expanding with 22% of users making purchases directly through social media platforms. This trend is expected to continue growing, with social media increasingly becoming a direct sales channel for many brands.

In-Store Mobile Usage

A global survey revealed that 56% of in-store shoppers use their smartphones to research items or shop while in a physical store. This trend blurs the lines between online and offline shopping experiences, emphasizing the need for an omnichannel approach.

Recommendations for Optimizing Your End of Year Marketing Budget

Based on these trends, here are key recommendations to maximize the impact of your end of year marketing budget:

Prioritize Mobile-First Design

Allocate a significant portion of your end of year marketing budget to ensure your website, emails, and ad creatives are optimized for mobile devices.


Tip: Conduct a comprehensive mobile usability audit of your website and app. Implement responsive design techniques that automatically adjust layout and content for different screen sizes. Consider adopting Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for faster loading times on mobile devices. 

Leverage Video Content

Dedicate part of your end of year marketing budget to creating engaging, short-form video content for mobile platforms.

Tip: Create a series of short, engaging product showcase videos optimized for mobile viewing. Use vertical video formats for platforms like Instagram Stories or TikTok. Develop interactive shoppable videos that allow users to tap on products and make purchases directly within the video. 

Implement Hyper-Local Targeting

Invest some of your end of year marketing budget in location-based marketing campaigns to drive both online and offline sales.

Tip: Use geofencing technology to send push notifications with special offers to users when they enter a specific geographic area near your physical stores. Create location-specific landing pages with tailored content and promotions based on the user's current location. 

Enhance Personalization Efforts

Allocate funds from your end of year marketing budget to AI-driven personalization tools that deliver tailored product recommendations and content.

Tip: Implement an AI-driven recommendation engine that analyzes user browsing and purchase history to suggest relevant products. Use dynamic content in your mobile app that changes based on user preferences, past behavior, and real-time context. 

Focus on Building Consumer Confidence

Use part of your end of year marketing budget to implement strategies that boost consumer confidence in their purchases. This could include offering detailed product information or augmented reality features.

Tip: Integrate augmented reality (AR) features that allow users to virtually "try on" products or visualize them in their space. Implement a detailed product information system with high-quality images, 360-degree views, and user-generated content like reviews and photos. 

Launch Targeted App Retargeting Campaigns

Invest in mobile app retargeting campaigns that leverage deep linking technology, using your end of year marketing budget to re-engage users effectively.

Tip: Launch paid ad retargeting campaigns across various ad networks and platforms to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your app. 

Here's how:

  • Segment your audience based on in-app behaviors, such as product views, add-to-cart actions, or past purchases. For instance, create a segment of users who viewed high-value items but didn't purchase.
  • Design tailored ad creatives for each segment. For users who abandoned their carts, create ads showcasing the specific products they left behind. Send limited-time offers to encourage completion of the purchase.
  • Utilize dynamic product ads that automatically show users the most relevant items based on their browsing history within your app.


By aligning your end of year marketing budget with these trends and recommendations, you'll be well-positioned to capture the attention of mobile shoppers and drive significant results during the 2024 holiday season. Remember, the key to success lies in creating seamless, personalized mobile experiences that resonate with your target audience and inspire confidence in their purchasing decisions.

At YouAppi, we're committed to helping you navigate the ever-evolving mobile marketing landscape and make the most of your end of year marketing budget. Our cutting-edge solutions and data-driven insights can help you implement these strategies effectively and achieve your holiday marketing goals. Reach out to our team and let's make this Q4 your most successful yet!