We are excited to announce the launch of our new Stargazer Series: a quarterly predictions report dedicated to the intersection of technology, innovation and the stars! In each report, Astrologer Ariel Neidermeier will give a rundown of top technology trends based on the astrology of the quarter.
Ariel is a practicing astrologer and mobile marketer. She was first taught astrology by her grandmother and studied it formally at Kepler College. Alongside her astrological practice, she has spent 4 years working in mobile apps and currently manages influencer campaigns for the AirBrush app. You can learn more about her astrological practice on her website.
Stargazing in Q1 2021
As organisms of the universe, the cycles and orbits of the planets have an energetic effect on humans. Astrology, which studies the movements of the planets, is a wonderful tool for planning your actions to better align with the energy of the moment. In this way, astrology is a tool for optimizing our most precious resource: time.
In so many ways, 2020 marked the end of one era and the beginning of the next. From the standpoint of astrology, this was very much the case. The year 2020 marked the last year of the Earth Age, in which a multitude of planets moved through the final degrees of earth sign, Capricorn, and entered the air sign, Aquarius. This shift from Earth to Air occurred on December 21, 2020, when Saturn and Jupiter made a “Great Conjunction” at 0 degrees Aquarius.
While the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter occurs every 20 years, the elements of the signs in which these planets meet, changes. The change in sign and element tracks different stages of human development. For the last 178 years, the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction cycle occurred in Earth signs. With this came an Earth-based focus: building via Big Industry and tangible resources (fossil fuels, coal). For the next 139 years, Saturn and Jupiter will meet only in Air signs. Therefore, the collective will shift to an Air-based focus: questioning and innovating via intangible resources (technology, information).
Here are 3 key astrological trends in Q1 2021 and how to use them to optimize your mobile strategy, work life and beyond.
1. Mounting data restrictions in the name of the “public good” will be the norm.
As mentioned above, we have entered an era of human history marked by the element of Air. The Air signs in astrology are Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. For the first 20 years of this cycle themes related to the Air sign, Aquarius, will be the focus.
Aquarius is the sign of rationality, technology and the reformation of institutions to better serve the collective good. Above all, Aquarius challenges us to use information, objectivity and innovation to improve the lives of the majority.
In January 2021, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun will be in Aquarius giving us a profound introduction to Aquarian energy and the Air Age of human development. This energy will promote conversations about the information structures in place that either help or hurt the public good. Calls for data regulations that serve consumers will gain steam, as will heightened regulations that protect data collected in digital spaces.
One example of mounting restrictions is the recent suspension of President Trump’s Facebook and Twitter profiles. Twitter’s announcement of their permanent suspension of Trump’s profile noted that his posts had incited violence which violated their “public interest framework”.
The negotiation of the “public good” and questioning organizations’ alignment with the interests of the public is an Aquarian value that will continue to be a theme over the next 20 years.
How this could affect your mobile marketing strategy:
Assume that heightened regulations protecting consumer interests like the IDFA are the way of the future. As you craft your IDFA opt-in strategy, keep an eye out for ways to adapt it for GAID which you should expect will require opt-in in the near future.
Take strides to uphold Aquarian themes in your data strategy, above and beyond what might be legally required at this moment. That is, create policies that are “consumer-first” and highlight the use of innovation to enhance transparency and accountability.
Take heed of Google’s recent suspension of conservative social networking app, Parler, from the Play Store. Build out robust content moderation plans when needed.
2. Prepare for social upheaval as you plan your Q1 paid advertising strategy.
Throughout the month of January and February, Uranus, the planet of revolution, will be squaring Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. When two planets square in astrology, they create a 90 degree aspect that creates opportunities for productive growth through conflict. When Uranus makes interactions with other planets in the sky, it also marks periods of social upheaval and civil unrest.
A key date to keep in mind is January 20, 2021, when Uranus will conjunct Mars and square the planets mentioned above in Aquarius (Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury). This date is also the day of the U.S. presidential inauguration.
Another date to make note of is February 17, 2021. On that day Saturn, the planet of rules, and Uranus, the planet of change, will square each other. When these two planets square, it represents profound shifts in energies in the spirit of revolution. Saturn-Uranus squares occur roughly every 22 years. This aspect coincides with power struggles between conservative politics and more progressive and modern thinking.
How this could affect your mobile marketing strategy:
If you advertise in the U.S. market, expect a bumpy ride as the new administration is sworn in. Many advertisers paused their paid social ad spend within the 24 hours following the insurrection at the Capitol to avoid having their ads associated with possibly violent content. Be mindful of serving ads during potentially volatile events such as the inauguration.
If you do not wish to pause your ad spend, consider moving ad dollars to reputable local and national news channels that people are paying attention to right now. Build an intentional strategy to your paid advertising in Q1 that avoids appearing “tone deaf”.
The aforementioned revolutionary planetary energies could also take shape on an internal level in your organization. Expect power struggles within your organization between the “old guard” and change makers looking to innovate products and processes in the new year. Focus on product enhancements and A/B testing in January to get ahead of potential organizational breakdowns in February.
3. Build new ways to collaborate and connect in the age of social distance.
Mercury in Aquarius will retrograde from January 30 to February 20. This will be the first mercury retrograde of 2021 and will highlight communication needs in the age of social distance.
We have already had to build strategies for effective collaboration with much of the workforce going remote in 2020. That said, when Mercury, the planet of communication and day-to-day technology, retrogrades, it often includes communication and technological breakdowns. This will force continued innovation in the name of collaboration even when tools like Slack go down.
How this could affect your mobile marketing strategy:
Expect communication breakdowns during Mercury’s retrograde. Backup your computer and build out alternative communication strategies in preparation for any hiccups. Mercury is the planet of communication and Aquarius is the sign of the group. That said, double check your emails to ensure you are not mistakenly sending communications to the group (versus an individual). Brainstorm ideas of how to build greater cohesion, bonding and collaboration within your team despite social distance.